100-Days: Weaving

I took a weaving class in which everyone was supplied with a simple 11″ x 7.5″ wooden loom. It reminded me of the potholder looms I used as a kid, and I wanted to see, just for fun, what it could produce, using only scrap materials that I already owned. I started this project on February 7, 2020, blissfully unaware of what the next 100 days would bring. What began as a playful experiment unexpectedly became a chronicle of a historic global crisis, and the most challenging, disheartening, and bizarre period of my life. Most days, I felt speechless and powerless. This tiny loom gave me an outlet for expressing my sorrow, frustration, and outrage. Those 100 days came to an end, but as of this writing the world is still reeling. Some day in the future I will look back on this time and these weavings will remind me what we all went through. I am looking forward to having that perspective.