
Ceres Gallery, Chelsea, NYC

Five of the stitch faces just had an entirely new New York City experience: they were Art!

Pippa, Charity, Clothilde, Whitney, and Thisbe appeared in a week-long group art show at the Ceres Gallery in Chelsea. This was exciting and also a bit of a challenge, as they had to hold their poses for an entire week. 

As an additional indignity, they were held in place with electrician’s tape. This made them crabby, even though they understood it was for their own protection. The gallery owner said that in twelve years she had only had two instances of theft, but she preferred to take precautions. 

Theft! This possibility was both thrilling and terrifying. It didn’t happen, of course.

Each of the stitch faces appeared in her own little tableau, each of which also contained a human-sized object to give a sense of scale and also to add some weirdness. 

The stitch faces enjoyed being part of an exhibit, and particularly enjoyed the opening reception, even though they are, at heart, introverts. They made many new acquaintances, and Charity even found a new home. In general, they don’t believe in leaving their comfort zone, because what’s the point of having a comfort zone if you’re always being told to leave it?  But this time, a little discomfort seemed worth it, for the sake of a little horizon-expanding. 

4 thoughts on “Exhibition”

  • I’m glad that the stitch faces are having this wonderful new experience. It’s about time the stitch faces realized that they were Art. But adding something for the sake of weirdness?? Maybe that, too, is Art. I ought to know. Wanda Paik

  • Have come across Ceres Gallery in my searches. Another fun post! Good looking displays 😉

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